- Application form
- Charge over accounts and deposits (For limited companies only)
Business Integrated Account Secured Credit Facility
Features and benefits
- A standby credit line up to HKD10 million
- Wide range of assets acceptable for calculating credit limit
- Available credit limit adjusted according to the asset value of your account without the need for re-application
- Assets within your account remain freely tradable
- Can be utilised for overdraft and trade finance
- No arrangement fee or monthly service fee
Documents required
A standby credit line up to HKD10 million
Available credit limit adjusted according to the asset value of your account without the need for re-application
Can be utilised for overdraft and trade finance
Wide range of assets acceptable for calculating credit limit
Assets within your account remain freely tradable
No arrangement fee or monthly service fee
Companies registered in Hong Kong with HSBC Sprint Account, Business Direct and BusinessVantage.
Learn more
Types of acceptable assets for calculating available credit limit
Updated Product Risk Rating & Advance ratio (Bonds, Unit Trusts & Equity-linked Investments)
Interest Rate and Credit-to-asset Ratio Table (List of eligible assets and Credit-to-asset Ratio (PDF, 978KB))
Type of Secured Asset held in Business Integrated Account1,2 | Advance Ratio (Up to) | Interest Rate | Interest Rate |
Foreign Currency Time or Saving Deposits3 | 100% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1.5% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate per annum |
HKD Time Deposits4 | 100% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1.5% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate per annum |
Deposit Plus4 | 70% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1.5% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate per annum |
Callable Fixed Deposits | 100% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1.5% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate per annum |
Structured Investment Deposits5 | 100% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1.5% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate per annum |
Bonds and Certificates of Deposit 6,8 | 100% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +2.25% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1% per annum |
Locally quoted Unit Trust 6,7,8 | 85% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +2.25% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1% per annum |
Locally quoted shares 6,7,8 | 50% | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +2.25% per annum | HSBC's Best Lending Rate +1% per annum |
Types of credit facility available
- Overdraft
- Documentary Credit (DC) Issuance
- Bank Guarantee Issuance
Reminder: "To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!"
The Bank reserves the final decision on application approval.
Notes for Interest Rate and Advance Ratio Table:
- The security over the assets in your Business Integrated Account as created under the Business Integrated Account General Terms and Conditions will attach to the assets in accordance with the aforesaid order of priority (i.e. assets attracting the lowest interest rate will be attached first, followed by assets attracting the next lowest interest rate and so on). Further, where there are more than one type of assets in your Business Integrated Account which attract the same interest rate, the security will attach to the respective types of assets in accordance with the order in which such assets are listed in this table.
- The eligibility and percentage of the value of the assets listed for inclusion in the calculation of the available credit limit shall be as determined by the Bank from time to time. The Bank may at its discretion add or remove the assets listed from such eligibility, or increase or reduce the eligible percentage of the value thereof without prior notice.
- Advance ratio for time or saving deposits in US dollar is up to 100 per cent. For time or saving deposits in other currencies excluding Thai Bhat, advance ratio of up to 85 per cent applies.
- If the assets subject to the security under your secured credit facility include Hong Kong dollar time deposits/Deposit Plus (in Hong Kong dollars deposit currency) and the deposit interest rate applicable to such deposits plus 0.5 per cent is higher than the debit interest rate specified above, the higher rate will be applied to your credit limit corresponding to such assets for calculating interest.
- Including but without limitation to Capital Protected Investment Deposits
- Locally quoted unit trusts, locally quoted shares, bonds and certificates of deposit are those deposited with the Bank in your Business Integrated Account whether or not registered in your name or in the name of any other person (including the Bank) as nominee.
- Authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission
- Documentary Credit (DC) Issuance, Bank Guarantee Issuance Commission: Please refer to the Commercial Banking Tariffs.
- Capital in nature instruments such as bonds issued by HSBC and its subsidiaries will not be considered as secured assets for Secured Credit Facility attached to the Business Integrated Account.
- From 1 January 2020, Wayfoong Statement Gold will no longer be considered as Secured Asset for Business Integrated Account Secured Credit Facility. The credit-to-asset ratio of the Wayfoong Statement Gold will be readjusted to zero from the effective date.

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