Whatever your foreign exchange and investment needs, HSBC's comprehensive FX services* – FX Order Watch, FX Rate Alert, Telegraphic Transfer for overseas payments and FX Time Deposit allow you to manage all your FX needs easily.
Real-time FX: Seamless Foreign Currency Exchange
Get started
HSBC offers real-time FX services^ with preferential rates via HSBCnet, Business Internet Banking and HSBC Business Express mobile app. For instance, you can use FX Order Watch* to set your target rate and have your currencies automatically converted. With added flexibility, your business can easily exchange foreign currencies or make cross-border payments.
Features & benefits
Convert up to 25 major currencies# with real-time support
Enjoy preferential exchange rates** via HSBCnet, Business Internet Banking and Business Mobile Banking
Manage cross-border payments and corresponding foreign exchange requirements in one go
Banking made easy with FX services that cover your needs

Real-time FX benefits
- Manage cross-currency conversions up to 25 major currencies# with flexibility
- RMB conversion is supported through access to the offshore market in Hong Kong
- Real-time exchange rates for transaction amounts up to USD10 million (or equivalent)
- Enjoy preferential exchange rates**
- Operation hours are extended to 6 pm on working days
- Experience transaction services in a faster, more convenient and secure way via HSBCnet, Business Internet Banking or HSBC Business Express mobile app

Manage your FX needs easily with our digital solutions
- Insights: Make informed FX decisions according to tailored insights and live charts
- Rate Alert: Set up your target exchange rate and get notifications via your preferred channel once it has been reached
- Order Watch: Set up your currency pair, target exchange rate and order amount. Once your target exchange rate has been reached, your order will be processed automatically
Manage all your FX needs in ease
Watch the video now to learn how our Real-time FX solutions and our Business Debit Mastercard empower your business to make payment smarter
How to set up FX Order Watch and Alerts
HSBC Currency Zone
Get the complete FX picture
Check, track and chart your favourite FX rates and stay informed with expert insights, all in one place.

^This service will not be available during system maintenance.
*FX Order Watch and FX Rate Alert are only available on Business Internet Banking and HSBC Business Express mobile app.
#Real-time exchange rates are applicable for foreign exchange transactions of 25 major currencies (HKD, USD, CNH, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, CHF, NZD, SGD, THB, DKK, NOK, SEK, ZAR, AED, PHP, INR, BHD, CZK, KWD, MXN, SAR, KRW) via Business Internet Banking or HSBC Business Express mobile app with a minimum transaction amount of USD4 or equivalent. In addition to these 25 currencies, HSBCnet also supports PLN with no minimum transaction amount required.
**Preferential real-time exchange rates are applicable for foreign exchange transactions of the 25 major currencies (HKD, USD, CNH, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, CHF, NZD, SGD, THB, DKK, NOK, SEK, ZAR, AED, PHP, INR, BHD, CZK, KWD, MXN, SAR, KRW) via HSBCnet or Business Internet Banking or HSBC Business Express mobile app with a minimum transaction amount of USD4 or equivalent.
***Your spending in 12 major currencies will be debited directly from the corresponding foreign currency deposits in your Business Integrated Account if sufficient funds are in place. These currencies include AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, NZD, RMB, SGD, THB, USD.
Risk Disclosure
Currency conversion risk - the value of your foreign currency and RMB deposit will be subject to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. If you choose to convert your foreign currency and RMB deposit to other currencies at an exchange rate that is less favourable than the exchange rate in which you made your original conversion to that foreign currency and RMB, you may suffer loss in principal.
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Related tool
Note: Indicative foreign exchange rates are exclusive to transactions via HSBC company or corporate accounts only.

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