Watch the video to learn more about what CD is and how it can be a powerful tool for managing your company profit and earning an interest return.
Certificates of Deposit
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One of our lower risk investment opportunities with the option of a range of currencies, maturities and interest payment terms.
How it works?
How do I access to the Certificate of Deposit trading service?
The Certificate of Deposit (CD) trading service is available on Business Internet Banking. Log on and follow the User Guide to place your order and manage your portfolio.
Features and benefits
- Offers stable and predictable coupons as streams of income, and predictable repayment of principal at maturity.
- Generally offers a higher interest rate than normal savings accounts or time deposits
- The principal is returned in full on maturity
- Certificates of Deposits are available in major currencies including Renminbi
- Loan advance ratio up to 70% for maximum financial flexibility
- Flexible investment choices for customers investing with a minimum investment amount as low as HK$50,000
Other solutions
The price of Certificates of Deposit (CDs) can and does fluctuate, and any individual CD may experience upward or downward movements, and may even become valueless. Factors affecting market price of CDs include, and are not limited to, fluctuations in Interest Rates, Credit Spreads, and Liquidity Premiums. The fluctuation in yield generally has a greater effect on prices of longer tenor CDs. There is an inherent risk that losses may be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling CDs.
This information is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment. HSBC makes no guarantee, representation or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability as to its accuracy or completeness. The information is subject to change without notice.
Important Note
The investment decision is yours but you should not invest unless the intermediary who sells it to you has advised you that it is suitable for you and has explained why, including how buying it would be consistent with your investment objectives. If you are unsure of the suitability of the product, you should not subscribe to it.
You should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and circumstances.
Certificates of Deposit are NOT equivalent to time deposits. Certificates of Deposit are NOT protected deposits and are NOT protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
Investment involves risks. Past performance of investment products are no guide to future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate and is not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount they invest.
Investment returns not denominated in home currency are exposed to exchange rate fluctuations. Rates of exchange may cause the value of investments to go up or down.
Issuer's Risk – you rely on issuer's creditworthiness. The product is subject to both the actual and perceived measures of credit worthiness of the issuer. There is no assurance of protection against a default by the issuer in respect of the repayment obligations. In the worst case scenario (e.g. insolvency of issuer), the investor might not be able to recover the principal and/or any interest/coupon (if any) and the potential maximum loss could be 100% of investment amount and no interest/coupon received.
If you wish to sell CDs, HSBC may repurchase it based on the prevailing market price under normal market circumstances, but the selling price may differ from the original buying price due to changes in market conditions.
The secondary market for CDs may not provide significant liquidity or may trade at prices based on the prevailing market conditions and may not be in line with the expectations of CDs holders.
If a CD is early redeemed, you may not be able to enjoy the same rates of return when you re-invest the funds in other investments.
Please refer to the offering documents of the respective CD products for details, including risk factors.

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