
U.S. Stock Trading

Get started
Seize global investment opportunity with efficient stock trading services.

Features and benefits

  • A one-stop shop to trade U.S. securities through the same account in Business Internet Banking.
  • The convenience to trade with Internet access, 24 hours a day.
  • 7x24 hours account access where you can check your stock portfolio, place orders, view order status and statements, as well as access to market data
  • Competitive brokerage fee - trade U.S. stocks at a low brokerage fee. Learn more in the below section

How do I activate and access to the U.S. stock trading service?

  • Open an investment services account (with account suffix 380) with HSBC via Business Internet Banking or visiting any HSBC Business Banking Centre if you do not have one.
  • Duly complete the following forms and submit them via Business Internet Banking.
  • Alternatively download the physical form and submit to Business Centre.
    • W form as required by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (Download the W form and Guidance for Completion)
    • Agreement for Market Data Display Services (‘AMDS’) as required by NYSE
    • Terms and conditions applicable to U.S. Stock Trading

Note: Please seek your own independent professional advice for filling out the W form and the NYSE Market Data Agreement where necessary.

  • After your W form status is activated, you can log on to HSBC Business Internet Banking (User Guide) or use our Business Express mobile application (User Guide) to start using the U.S. stock trading service.

Customers are eligible for signing up for the U.S. Stock Trading Service if they are:

  • Non-U.S. persons
  • Able to provide valid identification document

How much does it cost?

J5. U.S. Securities Services



Buying and Selling

Brokerage Fee

Trading through Business Internet Banking
1st 1000 shares
over 1000 shares

USD20 per transaction (flat fee)
Flat fee + USD0.015 per additional share

Fees charged and payable to third parties

SEC fee (for sell transaction only)
(collected for SEC)

0.00278%10 of the transaction amount

French Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)
For purchase of eligible Freanch companies listed in US as American Depositoty Receipt (ADR). Please refer to Euroclear France ( for latest eligible French company list.
(collected for French Government)

0.30% of the purchase amount for French Companies listed in US and eligible for FTT

Italian Financial Transaction Tax (IFTT)
For purchase of eligible Italian companies with market capitalization more than Euro 500m and listed in US as ADR
(collected for Italian Government)

0.10% on the net settlement amount
(Tax deduction from the intrady netting permitted based on the weighted average purchase price and the net purchase share quantity executed in the same settlement day)

Spanish Financial Transaction Tax (SFTT)
For purchase of eligible Spanish companies with market capitalization more than Euro 1000m and listed in US as ADR
(collected for Spanish Government)

0.20% on the net settlement amount
(Tax deduction from the intrady netting permitted based on the weighted average purchase price and the net purchase share quantity executed in the same settlement day)

Custody services

Account maintenance fee5

HK$ 150

Nominee Services

Collection of dividends and other corporation actions


Finnish dividend withholding tax payments
(collected for Finnish Government)

If you are a Finnish tax resident investor with Finnish stock holding receiving Finnish dividend payments, we will apply 50% Finnish withholding tax according to Finnish tax regulations.

Scrip handling and settlement-related services


USD150 per line of stock

American Depository Receipt (ADR) Fee

USD0.01-0.05 per share12

Online information services

Online Real-time quote

Free quote entitlement per month
99,999 quotes13
Cost per additional quote:
HK$0.1 per quote14

5. The fee applies to all business integrated investment accounts and business investments accounts, and is due and payable in June and December every year on a day determined by the Bank from time to time. If that day falls on the 1st day of the month and is not a business day, the fee may be collected on the business day in May and November which immediately precedes that day, subject to the decision of the Bank. The fee is payable upon closure of accounts where the account is closed before the said payment dates.

10. SEC fee is subject to review by U.S. Securities Commission (SEC) from time to time.

11. Customers will need to pay if there is any out of pocket cost incurred.

12. Customer holding ADRs may be charged ADR fee regularly (e.g. annually) by the Depository Receipts Agent through HSBC. Fees will be automatically deducted from your HSBC Integrated Account(s) and shown on your statement(s) as "ADR fee". ADR fee is subject to the final confirmation from the Depository Receipts Agent and the captioned price range is for reference only.

13. All unused quotes will not be carried forward.

14. The fee incurred will be debited from your designated or default charge account on the 4th/5th working day of the following month, and is payable upon closure of accounts where the account is closed before the payment date.

Addition information



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