
HSBC Global Wallet

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Growing internationally brings infinite opportunities.

Receive like a local

Growing internationally brings infinite opportunities. Now you can receive international payments with greater flexibility, transparency and convenience.

HSBC Global Wallet allows you to hold, manage, and receive payments in multiple currencies, all from Business Internet Banking. You’ll be able to do business quickly and easily, wherever your customers and suppliers are.

Here’s how it works

Multiple currencies, all in one place

View, hold, and manage a range of currencies in one place, saving you time and effort.

Faster international payment collection using local account details

Build trust with your customers in other countries and territories with faster international payments using local account details.

No hassle, no multiple accounts and logins

HSBC Global Wallet is integrated with your Business Integrated Account in Business Internet Banking — our innovative digital banking platform, providing you with a seamless experience.

Greater control

Benefit from the enhanced capabilities and security of Business Internet Banking, including easy transfers between accounts, entitlements, and two-factor authentication.

Supporting customers to expand e-Commerce business at ease

Watch the video below to discover how customers can easily handle and manage foreign currency collection with HSBC Merchant Box and HSBC Global Wallet, highlighting the benefits of expanding their e-Commerce business.

Get started

In just a few steps, you can activate HSBC Global Wallet on HSBC Merchant Box.

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