
Hong Kong Stock Trading

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Seize investment opportunity with efficient stock trading services.

With a higher volatility in the market, there comes risks and opportunities. You need a fast and reliable trading platform to help you make the most of the market fluctuation. HSBC Business Internet Banking provides you a convenient and secure stock trading platform, offering a more intuitive interface and simplified navigation.

Features and benefits

  • A one-stop shop to trade Hong Kong securities in Business Internet Banking.
  • Access to online order features to buy and sell stock and capture market opportunities.
  • The convenience to trade anywhere with Internet access, 24 hours a day.
  • 24-hour account access where you can check your stock portfolio, place orders and transfer funds, as well as view order status and statements.
  • Competitive brokerage fee - trade Hong Kong stocks at a low brokerage fee of 0.25%. Learn more in the below section.

Hong Kong Securities Service Charges

Buying and selling securities (including equity linked instruments)

Service Item


Minimum Charge

Buying and selling securities (including equity linked instruments)

Brokerage fee

0.25% of transaction amount


  • trading through branch

0.4% of transaction amount


Stamp duty (collected for HKSAR Government)

0.10% of transaction amount** (rounded up to the nearest dollar)


Transaction levy (collected for the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong)

0.0027% of transaction amount


Investor compensation levy (collected for the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong)

0.002% of transaction amount (suspended by the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong from 19 Dec 05)


HKEx trading fee (collected for the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd.)

0.00565% of transaction amount


Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (“AFCR”) Transaction Levy
0.00015% of transaction amount

Deposit transaction charge (for purchase transaction only)

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot (maximum charge:HKD200/RMB200)

Waived if the same stocks are purchased and sold on the same trading day or the day after the trading day (T or T+1)*


Italian Financial Transaction Tax (IFTT) - for purchase of eligible Italian companies with market capitalization of more than Euro 500m and listed in Hong Kong, effective from 1 March 2013 (Collected for Italian Government)

0.1% on the net settlement amount for trades settled on 6 Sep 2016 and thereafter
(Tax deduction from the intraday netting permitted based on the weighted average purchase price and the net purchase share quantity executed on the same day)


Italian Financial Transaction Tax (IFTT) - for purchase and sale of eligible Italian derivatives (including warrants/CBBCs) listed in Hong Kong, effective from 1 September 2013 (Collected for Italian Government)

€0.125 for each transaction amounted €0 - €2,500;
€0.25 for each transaction amounted €2,500 - €5,000;
€0.50 for each transaction amounted €5,000 - €10,000;
€2.5 for each transaction amounted €10,000 - €50,000;
€5 for each transaction amounted €50,000 - €100,000;
€25 for each transaction amounted €100,000 - €500,000;
€50 for each transaction amounted €500,000 - €1,000,000;
€100 for each transaction amounted higher than €1,000,000

1. No intraday netting permitted for Italian derivatives
2. Prevailing euro exchange rate at ECB (European Central Bank) will be referred to determine the corresponding tax tier as the HK listed Italian derivatives are denominated in HKD
3. Tax will be deducted from customer's HKD account on settlement date at the Bank's prevailing exchange rate.


* If there is more than one purchase transaction executed on a trading day (T) and/or the next following trading day (T+1), the sale transaction will first be matched with all purchase transactions executed on T based on their size, starting from the one with the largest quantity of purchased shares. After that, any unmatched sale shares will be matched with purchase transactions executed on T+1 based on their size, starting from the one with the largest quantity of purchased shares. Remaining shares of matched purchase transactions (if any) and/or unmatched purchase transactions (if any) are still subject to the deposit transaction charge with a minimum of HKD30/RMB30 for each purchase transaction.

** Stamp Duty, Transaction levy and HKEx Trading Fee, will be collected in RMB or HKD equivalent (according to official exchange rate ) for RMB denominated stock, as determined by the bank.

The RMB charges shown are applicable to RMB denominated stock.

Receipt and delivery

Service Item


Minimum Charge

Receipt and delivery

Through Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS)

  • Receipt

HKD250/RMB250 per instruction per stock


  • Delivery

HKD250/RMB250 per instruction per stock


Dual Tranche, Dual Counter Transfer (From HKD-Traded Shares/ETF to RMB-Traded Shared/ETF)
HKD100/effected transfer

Physical scrip deposit and withdrawal

  • Deposit

Scrip fee:
HKD2.5 per board lot

Transfer deed stamp duty
(if applicable):
HKD5 for each transfer deed

HKD700 per stock per transaction


  • Withdrawal (in self-name)

Transaction charge:
HKD5 per board lot

Scrip fee:
HKD2.5 per board lot

Transfer deed stamp duty
(if applicable):
HKD5 for each transfer deed

HKD700 per stock per transaction



Receipt and delivery involving change of beneficial ownership

  • Stamp duty(collected by HKSAR government)

0.1% of transaction amount, or the single rate 0.2% of transaction value for both parities (rounded up to the nearest dollar)


Safe Custody Service

Service Item


Minimum Charge

Safe Custody Service

Account maintenance fee


The fee applies to all business integrated investment accounts and business investments accounts, and is due and payable in June and December every year on a day determined by the Bank from time to time. If that day falls on the 1st day of the month and is not a business day, the fee may be collected on the business day in May and November which immediately precedes that day, subject to the decision of the Bank. The fee is payable upon closure of accounts where the account is closed before the said payment dates.


Scrip fees

Service Item


Minimum Charge

Scrip fees

To be collected at ANNOUNCED book-close date of each security

HKD1.50/RMB1.50 per board lot


Nominee service

Service Item


Minimum Charge

Nominee service

Collection of dividends / interest and other corporate actions:

- With cash and scrip dividend

0.5% of dividend amount (maximum charge: HKD2,500/RMB2,500)


- Without cash consideration

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot (maximum charge HKD200/RMB200)


Collection of bonus issue

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot (maximum charge HKD200/RMB200)


Exercise rights

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot on received stocks resulting from exercising the right (maximum charge: HKD200/RMB200)


Warrant conversion

HKD50/RMB50 per transaction plus

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot on received stocks resulting from warrant conversion (maximum charge: HKD200/RMB200)



Share consolidation / splitting

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot on received stocks resulting from Share consolidation / splitting (maximum charge: HKD200/RMB200)


Redemption on maturity



Unclaimed entitlement claim handling

HKD300/RMB300 per distribution period plus 0.5% on cash dividend


Equity linked instruments at maturity

  • Receipt of cash

0.2% of cash received (maximum charge: HKD300/RMB300)


  • Receipt of stock

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot (maximum charge: HKD200/RMB200)

Stamp duty (collected for HKSAR Government): 0.1% of transaction amount** or the part thereof (rounded up to the nearest dollar)



Handling charge for dividend claims

HKD300/RMB300 per claim by our nominee company per distribution

0.5% on cash dividend



** Stamp Duty, Transaction levy and HKEx Trading Fee, will be collected in RMB or HKD equivalent (according to official exchange rate ) for RMB denominated stock, as determined by the bank.

IPO Service**

Service Item


Minimum Charge

IPO Service**

Handling fee per Yellow Form application



Deposit transaction charge (for successful allotted shares)

HKD5/RMB5 per board lot
(maximum charge: HKD200/RMB200)


** Related charges of the above securities services will also apply, where applicable.

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