Steer towards a greener future together

Sustainable Taxi Finance Scheme

Why choose Sustainable Taxi?

Reduction on LPG consumption and CO2 emission

Reduction on LPG consumption and CO2 emission

Save up to 50% of fuel cost per kilometer

Save up to 50% of fuel cost per kilometer

Quality passenger experience

Quality passenger experience

Benefits and services support

  • Flexible Hire Purchase loan options
  • Flexible repayment period options
  • Application through extensive dealership network
  • A professional team to handle loan application

Apply now to drive a sustainable future!

Call 2748 8238 to learn more.

If you would like to access the annual report of the Sustainable Taxi Finance Scheme, please contact HSBC Commercial Banking Sustainable Finance Team at

Reminder: “To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!”

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