3 steps to start trading online -
Open an investment account
Complete/Update your Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Submit your W8 form (applicable for U.S. Stock Trading)

These steps can all be completed via Business Internet Banking, hassle-free and easy!!

Unit Trusts
Wide selection of asset class and investment themes
- Unit Trusts (UT) allows you to invest in securities, bonds, currencies, and commodities around the world and spread risks by diversifying investments across various sectors and countries.
- A wide selection of UT from HSBC Global Asset Management and third-party fund houses.

Hong Kong Stock Trading
Seize local investment opportunities
- Hong Kong Stock Trading offers a variety of products such as stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), callable bull/bear contracts (CBBCs) that are available for investment in Hong Kong Exchange.
- Subscriptions to Hong Kong stock IPOs via the HSBC IPO Nominees Services.
- Competitive brokage fee, 0.25% of the online transaction amount.
Come and experience our digital investment capability and start maximizing your company’s yield earning potential.
Log on to Business Internet Banking now to plan for your investments with us!
*Your principal is protected at maturity if the issuer of the CD does not default.
Risk Disclosure
Investment involves risk. You should carefully consider whether any investment products or services mentioned herein are appropriate for you in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The offering document of UT should be read for further details including the risk factors. The price of units or shares and the income from UT may go down as well as up and any past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance. The information contained on this website is intended for Hong Kong residents only and should not be construed as a distribution, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such activities would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction, in particular the United States of America. For other investment products, please refer to respective product page for the risk disclosure. US stock trading service is not applicable to US persons. A CD is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. Terms and Conditions apply.
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