2024 HSBC’s Trade Academy



Thank you for your interest in joining 2024 HSBC’s Trade Academy.

Please fill in the information below and click 'Submit‘ for registration. A confirmation email with the webinar details will be sent upon successful registration.

HSBC’s Trade Academy Webinar

Date: 25/4, 20/6, 29/8, 31/10, 28/11
Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
Topic: Import & Export DC Trade with HSBC’s Digital Platforms
Language: Cantonese / Putonghua

HSBC’s Trade Academy Seminar

Date: 20/3
Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Topic: Import & Export DC Trade with HSBC's Digital Platforms
Language: Cantonese

For enquiries, please contact our Global Trade Solutions Client Services Specialist by email: